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Oceans Resort Hotel Tutukaka


Tutto Bene

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At Outback Jacks you can select your own cut of meat from our chilled display cabinet from where it is then cooked by our chefs for all to view on an open char grill. You might not know that Outback Jacks has our very own exclusive meat label "Diamond Cut Beef" … this includes exceptional aged Premium, Select and Choice cuts of certified beef.

Rude Boy

Rude boy is a funky little rum bar based in Hobart. We believe in creating a fun, energetic environment for everyone to enjoy. Our passion is rum, let us take you on journey through our back bar which showcases 200+ rums from all over the world.

Rumi Palace is one of the most famous Afghan restaurants in South Australia.

The Drunken Admiral is one of Hobart's iconic restaurants, operating since 1979. Crammed with maritime memorabilia to delight the diner and excite the enthusiast.

Spice Monkey is a balance of modern and traditional Asian cuisine with a strong Japanese influence with its unique sushi bar. Spice Monkey brings a new vibrancy to Forster restaurants with our large outdoor share-table overlooking the pristine Wallis Lake or inside at our large or round booth tables seating up to 12 and 6 people.

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